On Fri May 20 21:48:40 PDT 2016, aris...@ar.aichi-u.ac.jp wrote:
> parallel dialing would be fine.
> I guess both cinap and erik have examined labs code.
> any problem with it?

i don't use this code.

i think the problem with parallel dial is that like the tricks we used to play 
nsec()—it assumes things about the calling environment.  for starters, it's 
to break anything that's already forking as it may eat wait messages.

it's been a while since i looked at this, but i think parallel dialing requires 
bit more of a rethink of the dialing code than just hacking in a fork.  without
restructuring the system, i think one would be forced into a dial device so that
any forking/threading could escape the current running environment.

the original problem this code was trying to solve was the fact that many 
can't do ip6, and dialing ip6 slows down the connection quite a bit.

this problem is a little easier to fix.  cs needs to do a little more work to 
filter out
impossible connection types.  for example, if one's internet connection is not 
capable, then cs should be instructed to not return ip6 addresses.

- erik

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