On 9/19/18, G B <g_patri...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have 9front installed on a Lenovo N580 laptop and am using a USB mouse.
> However, the touchpad is killing me.  How can I disable the touchpad so only
> the mouse moves?
Rather exciting, I'll keep an eye out for that option, Plan 9 (well,
9front, I do not think of them as heretic) on a (modern?) laptop is
long overdue. Cherry dropped the  ball on the Yeeloong (I can see why,
no hard feelings) and that was my most recent hope.

That said, the "bios" answer prompts me to ask: Can neither Plan 9 nor
9front reach into BIOS space and perform the functions from
user/kernel space?

I cut my teeth on the fully documented IBM XT BIOS and I find it hard
to believe that today's technology has managed to shuttered all those

Just curious. doing it in Plan 9 would really give me a warm feeling...


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