I don't know which other ARM board you tried, but I have always found
terrible I/O performance of the Pi to be a bigger problem that the ARM
speed.  The USB2 interface is really slow, and there arn't really many
other (documented) alternative options. The Ethernet goes through the same
slow USB interface, and there is only so much that you can do bit bashing
data with GPIO's.  The sdCard interface seems to be the only non-usb
filesystem I/O available. And that in turn limits the viability of
relieving the RAM contraints with virtual memory. So the ARM processor
itself is not usually the problem for me.

In general I find the pi a nice little device for quite a few things - like
low power, low bandwidth, low cost servers or displays with plenty of open
source compatability.. Or hacking/prototyping where I don't want to have to
worry too much about blowing things up. But it not good for high throughput
I/O,  memory intensive applications, or anything requiring a lot of
processing power.

The validity of your conclusion regarding low power ARM in general probably
depends on what the other board you tried was..


On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 at 17:51, hiro <23h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Eliminating as much of the copy in/out WRT the kernel cannot but
> > help, especially when you're doing SDR decoding near the radios
> > using low-powered compute hardware (think Pies and the like).
> Does this include demodulation on the pi? cause even when i dumped the
> pi i was given for that purpose (with a <2Mbit I/Q stream) and
> replaced it with some similar ARM platform that at least had neon cpu
> instruction extensions for faster floating point operations, I was
> barely able to run a small FFT.
> My conclusion was that these low-powered ARM systems are just good
> enough for gathering low-bandwidth, non-critical USB traffic, like
> those raw I/Q samples from a dongle, but unfit for anything else.

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