Hell, I wish I could figure out what I want!

I need to use Thunderbird as my mailer and that keeps reminding me how
liberating it was some long time back when I was able to move from
Mutt to Acme/Mail: the latter is so much less of a burden across so
many aspects. But today I'd have to change job to get rid of
Thunderbird and that's not going to happen.

Then, there's GIT. Another annoying must-have. I really have to look
into "gitfs" and dedicate daily time to create a Plan 9 compatible
(that means Go, in my life, incidentally) VCS that is not a
monstrosity. I doubt there's much hope to get that right.

To close, there's Chrome. I can't for the hell of me understand how no
one has declared the browser a health (mental and social) hazard. It's
worse than DDT, by far.

So, that's just a few places where I expect that a concerted effort
from a willing community could put Plan 9 to great use. But of course
contributions from bright minorities have been identified as contrary
to the interests of the powerful elites and the bar set far too high
to be overcome; specifically, not necessarily consciously, to prevent
disruptive technologies taking hold. I can't reconcile myself to the
idea that this may be for the best.

And then Microsoft comes along and hi-jacks just enough of my
favourite security blanket to make me feel discriminated against.


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