On Wed, Apr 03, 2019 at 05:00:15PM -0700, Skip Tavakkolian wrote:
> 9front maintainers, can anyone speak to technical reasons for creating a
> new version rather than fixing existing? Also, any thoughts on changing the
> name slightly so they can both be on the same system? maybe libAVL?

In 2016 spew wrote libbst, which is a binary search tree library that
supports both AVL and left-leaning red-black tree.  While he was at it
he wrote a faster and simpler avl implementation, and fixed venti and
nupas to work with it.  Since those were the only two things in the tree
that used AVL, nobody really cared if the old implementation went away.

I'm not sure what the advantage is to reintroducing it to 9front (aside
from the desire for zen-garden reliquaries).  The programs that use the
old API can be counted on one hand and fixing them is not difficult.

The question was raised, at the time, if the old one might have been
hand-tuned for some venti-related performance characteristics, but I
don't think anyone followed through on measuring the difference.  If
there are such idiosyncracies in the old code, they were not documented.


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