I totally agree that something needs to be done to fix the spam problem, although I plan to stick around for a while...not that I ever do anything but lurk...


----Original Message Follows----
From: Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [abcusers] bye (for now, anyway)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 11:37:37 +0100

The level of spam here has now gone past my tolerance limit.  Okay
on broadband via a webmail interface (I was doing that on holiday
in Kurdistan, last at the wonderfully slick and professional Saraf
internet cafe in Diyarbakir) but I don't have broadband here and
some of these spams have been huge.

As far as I can see, it isn't a matter of the address database being
compromised (by either a public archive or a virus attack on some
subscriber's machine) - these spams have been routed through the
mailserver itself, so simply inventing a new address as I've done
before won't do a thing to reduce the spam volume.

I'd like to resubscribe if/when the mailserver gets secured against
spammers and HTML/virus abuse (subscriber-only posting and challenge/
response subscription, or something like that).  Meanwhile I'm a
regular on uk.music.folk so you know where to find me.

Is there anything happening on the sourceforge list?  From my
attempts to find it, it seemed to have the opposite problem -
successful security by staggeringly arcane obscurity.

cheers - jack

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack> * food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro, Embro".
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