In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Frank Nordberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I suppose you could do that with grep, but there are lots of people here
> that knows more than me about that.

Here's a little Perl program that may go some distance towards what
Robert wants:

--- cut here ---
# 19 Sep 2000 Anselm Lingnau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

use Getopt::Long;

$keep = "XTMK";

GetOptions("keep=s" => \$keep);

while (<>) {
    # keep only header lines listed on --keep=... option
    if (($header) = /^([A-Z]):/) {
        print if $header =~ /[$keep]/o;
    $_ .= <> while /\\$/;       # merge continued lines
    $_ = join(' ', /(?:"(.*?)")|(:?\|(?:\||:|\[\d)?)/g); # extract chords &c.
    s/^ *//; s/ +/ /g;          # remove extraneous whitespace
    s/\| \|/| - |/g;            # add placeholders for no-chord bars
    print $_, "\n";
--- cut here ---

The most conspicuous omission is that it doesn't »optimize« alternate
endings that contain the same chords. (This is left to the reader as an

Here's the output from Frank's source:

  ; perl ./ --keep XTMKR ~/Music/
  T:Scatter the Mud
  Am G | Am Em | Am | G | Am | Am | Em |[1 G Am :|[2 G Am ||
  |: Am G | G | Am Em | G | Am G | G | Em |[1 G Am :|[2 G Am |

Anselm Lingnau ......................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving oneself, and one always
ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.
                                                                 -- Oscar Wilde
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