
S=F8ren writes:
|  I have about 450 Musicator-files (.mct) with scandinavian folktunes which=
|   I
|  would like to convert to abc-format for web-distribution. They are
|  currently distributed as GIF-files (check:
|  http://www.folketshus.dk/folketshus/spillefolk/noder.html) which are OK f=
|  or
|  screen-presentation, but to lousy and unpractical for print, I think.
|  Conversion via MIDI is very tidy (means not practical possible) since all
|  notation layout is lost.
|  Does anyone know about conversion-tools - or does anyone know about
|  Musicator-file-format ?

Got a pointer to a spec?  If Musicator files  are  text  files,  it's
likely  that I or someone else could grind out a perl program to chew
it up and spit out ABC.  It would also be helpful if you could give a
URL for a directory of files in Musicator format.  Then we could look
them over and decide whether we want to tackle the translation.

(Or maybe I could use this as the excuse I've been looking for to get
some more experience with python. ;-)

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