Guido Gonzato wrote

> One thing for all:
> FinaleNotePad does not do PostScript unless you have a PostScript printer.

Maybe we should mention that - at least under Windows - you do not need a
poscript printer to produce PostScript output (and that's true for EPS as

The trick is having the drivers, and let Windows save to file the printer
output. You end up with a file called *.prn, that you can rename (*.ps or
*.eps, according to what you selected in the printer properties), and then
easily handle with Gosthscript.

Encore users already know this - that's the way Encore used to export to
EPS -, but this can be done with any Windows program, even abc2win
(especially it, I guess!).

If you wish to spend half an hour to configure it, try Free PDF: saves time
if what you actually look for are PDF files. Have a look at the web page, and after that have a look at the
forum too - there is some debate about the best poscript printer drivers (I
vote for the Adobe Poscript Printers with the Distiller PPD files, that
handles colour images and let you define the dimensions of the sheet you are
going to print).



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