John Chambers wrote:
> What is needed is an unambiguous way of saying "Show this exactly  as
> I  wrote  it,  but  play  V:1 a minor third higher than written." The
> C=440 notation seems to say this, for the reason you said:  It  looks
> like  a  tuning  rather than a transposition.

How about adapting abc2midi's %%MIDI transpose function. Just allow it
to be included in the V: field like this:

V:1 MidiTranspose -3

or something like that.

> | ... Not that a tuning command
> | isn't useful under some circumstances.  (BarFly already has one:
> | you can put tune=n in the V: header field where n is in units of
> | 1/256 semitones.  It's useful to slightly de-tune intruments which
> | are playing in unison so you can hear them as separate instruments.)
> But it's not useful to me with current technology.   I  have  several
> electronic tuners.  If I pick up that A clarinet and play a C, I know
> that it will tell me I'm playing and A.  It may also tell me that I'm
> playing  at 443.  Very few musicians would have any clue about how to
> convert this to units of 1/256 semitones.

I think we should treat transposition and intonation as separate issues
in any case. Besides, the intonation function is a bit dangerous to use
in midi playback in any case. It uses the midi pitch bend function and
that isn't standardized. It works well in BarFly, which always use
QuickTime for Midi playback, but a general ABC player that might use any
synth software/hardware to produce the sound might get into serious trouble.

Frank Nordberg

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