bert van vreckem wrote:
>I don't seem to be able to open your midi's, though (I'm using 
>WinAmp on an NT 4.0 box.) The pdf's are fine, so it's not a 
>corrupted zip file.

There is something odd about these midi files on a Mac too (I downloaded
the .hqx version).  They all appear with the default icon, but labelled
in different colours.  If you drag one onto QT Player it opens and
plays fine, but if you try to open it using the Open command either
in QTPlayer or SimpleText it appears as a folder in the dialog.  If
you try to open this "folder" you get the same file list as previously,
but with all the files greyed out.  Examination of a file with ResEdit
shows the file type to be Midi (correct) but the creator is completely
blank - not even whitespace chars there.  I didn't think that was
possible, and I suspect it's actually a string of ascii null characters.
ResEdit also shows that the file has a bunch of 'pref' resources, which
if present in the zipped version might account for the difficulty
of playing them on a Windows machine.  In theory, the resource fork
of a mac file should get separated when you zip it, and unpack into
a folder named rsrc.frk on a Windows machine, but sometimes it just
gets concatenated with the data, and therefore corrupts it.

(Nice arrangements though, what I've listened to so far.)

Phil Taylor
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