>>  Programs which don't know what an inverted fermata is would simply
>>  write the text instead.  As I understand it, that is how the !symbol!
>>  syntax is supposed to work, but without the necessity of introducing
>>  the exclamation mark.
>I don't really see this as a good solution. We could introduce another
>special character in " " so that "*invertedfermata" generates the
>symbol instead of text, but this is one extra character compared to
>! !. If your objection is specifically to exclamation marks, we
>could use @ @, but this seems a bit ugly to me.

I don't see the necessity for any extra characters here.  I basically
don't want to see abc with unnecessary text descriptions of symbols
embedded in it, although for those that insist on that there is already
a mechanism for programs which implement macros.  I would far rather
that we stuck to the original abc scheme of using the letters H..Z
with the U: field as a minimal extension to allow as many symbols
(globally) as necessary.

Phil Taylor
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