>Bryan Creer writes:
>| Come on, folks!  You're expecting too much.  Most people have more than the
>| average number of arms as it is.
>Then, of course, there's the statistician's observation
>that the average adult has one breast and one testicle.

As a reproductive biologist I have to take issue with that.
Even if you insert the word "approximately" before each "one", then
it's still not true, since men have breasts too.  My father had four,
which must have skewed the average a bit.  And when it comes to
testicles, that's definitely cue for a song:

C:Traditional (WW2)
GE z3 EFG  | e2 e2 c4  |
w:Hit-ler, he on-ly had one ball
GE z3 EFE  | G2 G2 F4  |
w:Goe-ring, had two but ve-ry small
FD z3 GAG  | cG z3 GFE |
w:Him-ler, him some-what sim-ler, While Doc-tor
DA zC B,G zG| C8    |]
w:Goeb-bels had no balls at all!

I believe that Hitler was actually monorchid, although how the
author of the song could have known that is one of life's mysteries.

Phil Taylor
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