Richard Robinson wrote:

>By "section header", do you mean the global header lines, external to any
>tune ? I've been wondering about this recently, whether many people use
>them. I like them, I find they can save a lot of fiddly typing, but I'm
>not sure what programs handle them.
> (Surely it's not _that_ hard for a GUI app. ? Reading & applying them is
> fairly simple, just go through the file & suck the tunes into memory,
> with default headers applied where necessary. Writing is an extra fiddle,
> if you want to remember the globals, but you don't actually change the
> meaning of anything by not doing that. )

>From the abc 1.6 definition:

"  Information fields

The  information  fields  are  used  to  notate  things  such  as
composer,  meter, etc. in fact anything that isn't music. Most of
the information fields are for use within a tune  header  but  in
addition  some  may be used in the tune body, or elsewhere in the
tune file. Those which are allowed elsewhere can be used  to  set
up  a  default  for  the whole or part of a file. For example, in
exactly the same way that tunebooks are organised, a  file  might
start  with  M:6/8 and R:Jigs, followed by some jigs, followed by
M:4/4 and R:Reels, followed by  some  reels.  Tunes  within  each
section then inherit the M: and R: fields automatically, although
they can be overridden inside a tune header."

So within a file you can have global header lines (at the beginning
of the file before any tunes) and section header lines (in between
tunes at the start of each section).

BarFly supports the global stuff, which can include information fields,
macro and symbol definitions, but not section headers between tunes.
In order to support these the parser would have to parse the whole file
from the beginning in order to display the 900th tune.  Remember that
the file may have been edited since the last operation without the
edits being saved, so it's not sufficient to just parse the whole
thing when it's opened.

As far as possible I prefer abc tunes to be self-contained.

Phil Taylor

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