Simon Wascher writes:
| John Chambers:
| > Well, the [1+3 and [1&3 cases are silly,
| Well, to me it is what I write in tadpoles notation, maybe this is an
| austrian speciality but I understand 1+3 as "first *and* third ending"
| and 1+3 is a shortcut for this.
| by the way, I thought we came to the conclusion not to qualify other
| listmembers postings as "silly". Not every bit of notation I do not
| share, use or understand is neccessarily silly.
| :-|

Sorry if I offended.  I was basically just being a bit flippant.   By
"silly" I don't really mean there's anything wrong with it, just that
it seems like something that's not one or the world's major  problems
at the moment.

While I've seen this use of '+', I haven't seen it often.  Commas are
by  far the overwhelming choice of most publishers for this usage.  I
can see why people would want to not bother with anything  else,  but
on  the  other  hand, allowing such alternate chars is also not a big
deal to a programmer.  My response to such things would be  to  shrug
and  add  it  to  the program (which I've already done with my abc2ps
clone).  But it's possible that we could put it to a vote,  in  which
case it could easily be rejected.

But again, it's not topic of major importance. More important is that
we  get  some action making this sort of ending part of the published
abc standard syntax.

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