Toby writes:
| Jack Campin wrote:
| > A better solution would be to edit out the email addresses and replace
| > them by names or handles so the archive ends up looking like a typical
| > web discussion board (e.g. Mudcat).  I don't mind who sees the content
| > of what I've written so long as it doesn't lead to even more spam than
| > I'm getting now.
|       I could write a script to do that.. I'll just replace anything after @,
| but before the . with a bunch of x's.

Or maybe just rewrite the @ as " AT " or ":" as others do. This seems
to  be  something  that humans can handle but is typically beyond the
capacity of software that is grovelling through zillions of web pages
and can't afford to use much intelligence.

I've also noticed that my MIT email addresses are in lots  of  usenet
archives, but this doesn't seem to lead to much spam.  I suspect that
spammers have learned that archives  tend  to  be  full  of  outdated
addresses, so they try to avoid them. (So maybe the thing to do is to
change all the dates to 10 years earlier.  ;-)

Actually, I get a lot more Microsoft email viruses than  spam.   I've
tried  to  tell  them  that it doesn't do any good to send viruses to
someone who reads his email on a FreeBSD or linux machine,  but  they
don't listen to me.

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