Laurie wrote:

>Here is another rather nastier example that actually *does* have an
>X: line but can still cause severe problems if you try and parse it.
>This is because the ABC is embedded in this email where spurious
>T: lines and X: lines can occur. In fact you can even get spurious
>K: lines which make it look like the song has started and that can kill a
>And exclamation marks on the ends of lines can leave you wondering
>whether the next line is a real delimiting blank
>T:Real title

You had fun composing that, didn't you?

Actually, it's not a situation that happens very often (except on this
list) - only when you are writing about abc itself, and illustrating
what you say by means of examples.  I have to be careful when writing
BarFly's documentation, which consists of abc files containing tutorial
text with example tunes.  Since BarFly absolutely insists on having an
X: field at the beginning of a tune , all I have to do is to avoid what
I've done in this sentance, i.e. putting the characters X: at the start
of a line.

Not that that would kill the parser, of course, just display an error
message where the music should be.

Phil Taylor

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