John Chambers wrote -

>There's no way any of you can stop me from using my own code.

Wouldn't dream of it old chap.  We seem to have completely different ideas of 
what a standard means.  You seem to think it's to stop people doing things.  
I think it's to enable people to do things.  More specifically, to enable 
different people to do the same things in the same way.

>If you don't like it, you don't have  to  use  my
>code or my abc files.  And if you do like it, you're welcome to both.

I would like to use your abc files but excuse me if I'd rather not use your 
code.  I'm sure it's excellent but it would not be very practical for me to 
include it in my Visual Basic programmes.  What I do want to do is use your 
specification of the repeat endings since it would seem sensible to implement 
the idea in a compatible way.  It would be nice to know that other developers 
were doing the same thing.  As it happens, I can because you are very 
generous in sharing your ideas on the list and I thank you for it.  I was on 
the list when you last discussed it so I know about it but it is evident from 
recent postings that some people do not.  Would it be so terrible for the 
information to be held in some central location under a general abc umbrella 
independant of any particular software development?  If you don't want to 
call it a standard then think of another name.  No developer would have to 
obey it if they didn't want to; that would be between them and their users.

>Meanwhile, programmers  build  things  that  work,  users  start using them, 

Yep, just like Jim Vint did with abc2win which, for some reason, seems to 
irritate you enormously.

Does it mean that I can include anything I like in the combined 
editor/printer/player I'm working on and if anyone doesn't like it Nyah, 
Nyah!  So there! ;-) ?

Bryan Creer

(And, of course, if I put my MCP logo on the website, I can lay claim to the 
whole of abc on behalf of Microsoft-axis-of-evil.)

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