Jack Campin wrote:

>Is this odd enough in the slurs department?  The BarFly documentation
>doesn't say how you'd prefer to write the -3 chords so I've left them
>as they are in the book.

-3 chords are no problem.  At the moment, continued lines are a problem,
and the routine strips the continuation chars out and handles it one text
line at a time.

Here's the output:

T:Yammil Abaya
T:Lovely Maiden
B:Charles Haywood, Folk Songs of the World (1966)
Z:Jack Campin 2002
N:BarFly doesn't display the second chord in line 5.
N:It does if you put the chord on the principal note, rather than on
N:a beam of grace notes.
N:The double bars mark text line breaks, but are
N:really a workaround for BarFly's line-end bug.
Q:1/4=90 % Andante; no metronome value in the book
V:2 volume = 50
[V:1]      d2 ({cd}(c)B)    (B_A)     (BA) |           (G3_   A     GF     G2)||
[V:2]      [G,8D8G8d8g8d'8]                |           [G,8D8G8d8g8d'8]       ||
[V:1]     F2      (FE)      F2        G2   |           G6                  z2 ||
[V:2]     [^A,8F8^A8f8^a8f'8]              |           [C,8G,8C8E8G8c8]       ||
[V:1]    _B2      (BA) ({B}(A)G)      GF   | (F E2  F     ED E2)              ||
[V:2]    [^D,8^A,8^D8^A8^d8^a8]
[V:1]      G2       F2   ({F}E)_D     (ED) |         C8                       ||
[V:2]     [C,8G,8C8G8c8g8]                 |         [C,8G,8C8E8G8c8]         ||
[V:1]      c2       cB       c2        d_e |({d_e}(d)c- c2-    c3)            ||
[V:2]     [F,8C8F8c8f8c'8]                 |  [G,4D4G4d4g4d'4][C,3G,3C3E3G3c3]||
[V:1]         (B|d2) (cB)   (B_A) ({c}(B)A)|         G8                       ||
[V:2] [C,G,CEGc]|[G,8D8G8d8g8d'8]          |        [G,8D8G8B8d8g8]           ||
[V:1]     F2      (FE)      F2        G2   |         G6                 z2    ||
[V:2]    [^A,8F8^A8f8^a8f'8]               |        [C,8G,8C8E8G8c8]          ||
[V:1]     d2 ({cd}(c)B)    (B_A)     (BA)  |         G6                 z2    ||
[V:2]    [G,8D8G8d8g8d'8]                  |        [G,8D8G8B8d8g8]           ||
[V:1]     F2      (FE)      F2        G2   |         G8                       ||
[V:2]    [^A,8F8^A8f8^a8f'8]               |        [C,8G,8C8E8G8c8]          ||
[V:1]    _B2      (BA) ({B}(A)G)     (GF)  |        (E3    F     E_D    E2)   ||
[V:2]    [^D,8^A,8^D8^A8^d8^a8]            |        [C,8G,8C8E8G8c8]          ||
[V:1]     G2      (GF) ({F}(E)_D)    (ED)  |         C8                       |]
[V:2]    [^A,8F8^A8f8^a8f'8]               |        [C,8G,8C8E8G8c8]          |]

Phil Taylor

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