On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Don Parrish-Bell wrote:

> ---Actually I was referring to the horizontal spacing for each measure.  Even in PDF
> format, the sheet music seems a bit cramped when you print it out.   I suppose what 
> really after, then, is a formating tool with "preferences" I can tinker with.

Well these are the "preferences" currently supported by abcm2ps:

  barsperstaff  0
  botmargin     1.00cm
  composerfont  Times-Italic 11.0
  composerspace 0.20cm
  continueall   no
  encoding      ASCII
  exprabove     no
  exprbelow     no
  freegchord    no
  flatbeams     no
  gchordfont    Helvetica 12.0
  graceslurs    yes
  indent        0.00cm
  infofont      Times-Italic 11.0
  infoline      no
  infospace     0.00cm
  landscape     no
  leftmargin    1.78cm
  lineskipfac   1.10
  maxshrink     0.65
  measurebox    no
  measurefirst    measurenb     -1
  musiconly     no
  musicspace    0.20cm
  oneperpage    no
  pageheight    27.94cm
  pagewidth     21.59cm
  parskipfac    0.40
  partsfont     Times-Roman 15.0
  partsspace    0.30cm
  printtempo    yes
  rightmargin   1.78cm
  scale         0.75
  squarebreve   no
  staffsep      1.62cm
  staffwidth    18.03cm
  straightflags no
  stretchlast   no
  stretchstaff  yes
  subtitlefont  Times-Roman 12.0
  subtitlespace 0.10cm
  sysstaffsep   1.20cm
  tempofont     Times-Bold 15.0
  textfont      Times-Roman 12.0
  textspace     0.50cm
  titlecaps     no
  titlefont     Times-Roman 15.0
  titleleft     no
  titlespace    0.20cm
  topmargin     1.00cm
  topspace      0.80cm
  vocalabove    no
  vocalfont     Times-Bold 13.0
  vocalspace    0.81cm
  withxrefs     no
  wordsfont     Times-Roman 12.0
  wordsspace    0.00cm
  writehistory  no

That's enough for me...

> --- I believe that abc2ps is what is running "underneath" my browser to put the sheet
> music up on the screen.

Which site is you referring to?

> --- Acrobat allows you to scale a PDF file in the overall sense (height and width), 
> that's about all it can do with it.  As far as I know, there isn't anything that 
> you to edit a PDF file.

Nope (I'm starting to get the feeling you maybe visited my site...). If
you want to change stuff you chould grab the abc-file.
love, peace & harmony

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