On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Bob Archer wrote:

> If anyone's interested I made a start on yacc and lex
> (actually flex and bison) parsers for abc. I'll
> happily email them to anyone who wants them.

Bert Van Vreckem wrote:

> I think these problems will make clear why it would
> be VERY useful to create a libabc parser as a group
> project.

Well, a few years ago, I actually did a similar
suggestion, but it didn't take off. Unfortunately, I'm
not a C programmer.  But if you are and you're willing,
you're welcome at the abc project at Sourceforge. Send
me your SF username and I'll add you to the project.
This goes for anyone that wants to contribute, by the

Bob, Bert, and all the others who responded: thank you
for your willingness to help with a libabc project.

I think that for now it's best to wait till Guido has
published his ABC standard. After it has been
finalized, we could form a club of developers to
implement a standard conforming libabc parser library.

Bob, it would certainly be appreciated if you could
help with writing a suitable Flex/Bison grammar.

I've also written a partial Bison grammar myself a
while ago, to find out how easy or difficult it would
be to write a complete ABC parser with this technology
and to check if there were any problems regarding the
way the ABC draft standard was formulated.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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