On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

> >Interestingly enough, I can't find any mention of the use of "*" for 
> >right justified line breaking in Guido's ABC 2.0 draft.  This draft 
> >spec tentatively calls for the use of "!" for this purpose.
> Probably because it wasn't in 1.x...

whenever I considered adding a new feature in the draft, I turned my
attention to stuff already implemented by important applications. Being
'!' in abc2win, I supposed this was the way to go. It's also been added in
abcm2ps, too, and I suppose more applications will follow suit.

BTW - Jean-François, how do you tell whether '!' is a line break or the
start of a decoration?

     Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. <guido . gonzato at univr . it> - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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