On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, John Chambers wrote:

> Martin Tarenskeen writes:
> | The standard says:
> | "middle=<pitch> is an alternate way to define the line number of the clef.
> | The pitch indicates what note is displayed on the 3rd line of the staff."

> | The description should therefore be changed to something like:
> | "The pitch indicates what notation is used for the note that is displayed
> | on the third line of the staff."

> The  main issue is that notes on paper don't have pitch.  I
> (.....)
> Pitch belongs to played notes, not written notes.

I completely agree with that. Let's try again :

" middle=<ABC-notename> is an alternate way to define the line number of
  the clef. The <ABC-notename> indicates what notation is used for the
  note that is diplayed on the third line of the staff. "

Is that any better ?


Martin Tarenskeen

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