> Do abcusers know also about Wayne Cripps' tab program ?
> it's similar to abc and can produce good tablature for lute,
> converting the ascii source into postscript :

As other people have pointed out, this is a somewhat theoretical
possibility for some (like me; the only C compiler I've actually
used on the Macs I have is first-edition-K&R, and while GhostScript
does sort of work it's a real pain).

More significantly, tab needs a sound previewer even more than
ABC does.  A PostScript generator alone is just going to lead
to lots of beautifully typeset nonsense.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack>     *     food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro, Embro".
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