John Walsh writes:
| > X:3
| > T:TTLS
| > M:4/4
| > L:1/4
| > K:G
| >    G    G   d    d |\
| > w:Twin-kle twin-kle
| >    e    e    d2    |\
| > w:lit-tle   star
| > ...
| > and John Chambers replies:
| >
| > X:3
| > T:TTLS
| > M:4/4
| > L:1/4
| > K:G
| >    G    G   d    d |
| > w:Twin-kle twin-kle \
| >    e    e    d2    |
| > w:lit-tle   star \
| > ...
| Sure, whatever.

Actually, it has occurred to me that there might be a simple solution
that would allow both of these.

The real problem we're facing is:  A lot of people  really  want  the
final  backslash  to  mean  "continue  with the next line of the same
type".  But this discription is sufficiently ambiguous that we end up
with  different  implementers having different understandings of what
such a description means, and implementing it differently.

This problem is fundamentally hopeless, because  musical  terminology
and  understanding  is so varied.  Unless we can come up with a truly
unambiguous definition of "same type" lines, we don't stand a  chance
of making this work consistently. And given the wide differences here
in how people understand musical terms, we just aren't  going  to  do
anything like that.

So if we really want continued lines to skip lines like the above, we
need  a way of saying "continued" not in musical terms, but in purely
lexical terms.  Since we are dealing with whole lines,  we  could  in
fact use a solution like:

   G    G   d    d |\1
w:Twin-kle twin-kle
   e    e    d2    |\1
w:lit-tle   star

The number at the end is quite simply the number of lines to skip  to
find the continuation. If omitted, the nnumber is zero, meaning don't
skip any lines, continue with the next line.

Actually, there's an obvious error in the above.  It should be:

   G    G   d    d |\1
w:Twin-kle twin-kle \1
   e    e    d2    |\1
w:lit-tle   star

If you don't continue the first w:  line, the result will be  to  put
two lines of words under the first measure of music. But this is just
a detail.

This would give us a simple solution to the example that started this

% 1 - 4
[V: 1] |:z4  |z4  |f2ec         |_ddcc        | \4
[V: 2] |:c2BG|AAGc|(F/G/A/B/)c=A|B2AA         | \4
[V: 3] |:z4  |f2ec|_ddcf        |(B/c/_d/e/)ff| \4
% 5 - 9
[V: 1] cAB2     |cAAA |c3B|G2!fermata!Gz ::e4| \4
[V: 2] AAG2     |AFFF |A3F|=E2!fermata!Ez::c4| \4
[V: 3] (ag/f/e2)|A_ddd|A3B|c2!fermata!cz ::A4| \4
% 10 - 15
[V: 1] f_dec |B2c2|zAGF  |=EFG2          |1F2z2:|2F8|]
[V: 2] ABGA  |G2AA|GF=EF |(GF3/2=E//D//E)|1F2z2:|2F8|]
[V: 3] _dBc>d|e2AF|=EFc_d|c4             |1F2z2:|2F8|]

This is exactly the example proposed, with the addition of \4 to  the
lines that are to be joined with later lines.  We might note that the
[V:...] lines in the continuations are redundant, but they help  make
the abc more readable, so they are a good idea.

What do people think of this modest proposal? It would make this sort
of  disconnected continuation possible, and would enable readable abc
like the above.  The only problem is that implementers are likely  to
let  out  a  big  groan.  But it's probably no worse than the current
kinds of disconnected continuations that have been implemented;  it's
just  less  prone  to  misimplementation.   In any case, disconnected
continuations like this require that  the  software  buffer  all  the
intermingled lines until the entire set is complete.

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