I just tried 5 line Skink. It is a very nice clean implementation of at least the basic things (I didn't try it on multi parts or anything too complex). Bravo to Wil for adding a tool for us all (and for including three really good tunes in the package. Two I knew and like his versions, and one is totally new to me which is always fun).

The syntax checker in Skink is very fussy (that's good I think) and does a fine job of locating the errors for you. It caught a bunch of things that didn't trouble BarFly or the abc2ps things much at all. I'll probably run a bunch of my files through it just to clean things up. I did find one file that it only gave me an empty error dialog box and refused to even put the tunes up (and this works perfectly in Bar Fly and is, as far as I can tell clean.). Wil if you'd like drop me a note and I'll send it on to you.

Now to the main thing: How much of a problem might it be to integrate or build links to the abcmidi stuff from BarFly or Skink or some other Mac program? I'd really like to be able to generate MIDI files with or without the "boom-chuck" accompaniments, and currently I have to go to John's web site or fuss with using abcmidi in the terminal mode on the Mac (which I haven't done yet, but appears doable). Having that possibility makes producing teaching materials so very easy. While you are at it set it to allow generation of the melody and the accompaniment on separate midi voices. Then I can use two sounds, set the accompaniment to play on one side of a stereo recording and the melody on the other and create very nice files that allow my students to listen to melody or accompaniment or both as they learn. Any takers here? Or, is the capability already in some program and I just missed it?

And, the comments about running on a PDA are of interest too. I do have the little thing that does ABC on Palm OS, but it could certainly stand some improving....

Chuck Boody

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