Paul Rosen said:
> I am very interested in the work you're doing. Unfortunately, I have very
> little time these days! Once in a while, I'll have a week where I can
> spend a little time each evening on this, but not very often. If I had
> time, I'd plunge right in the middle of the work.
> Your "things to do" list is right on. Solving those problems are the key
> to whether this project succeeds or not.
> I'd define success as one or both of the following:
> 1) Everyone who is supporting ABC programs likes it and switches to this
> parser so that every program will interpret files the same, now and
> forever.
> 2) A simple to use tool is available that makes it easier to create a new
> ABC application.

I completely agree with these two.

> For the first item to happen, the following must be met:
> 1) The parser must be conveniently available to every language and
> platform that is currently and likely to be used for an ABC application.

For this one, having the parser in C or C++ would definitely be the
best choice.  There are two ways that we could do this:

1) Have just a syntactical parser in C/C++ with hooks to call allow
   callbacks, then have the callbacks and internal representation of
   the data (the data structures) to be done by the application
2) Have the parser and the data structures be written in C/C++ and
   have the parser fill in the data structures.  Then write hooks
   to be able to access the completed data structures.

There are advantages and disadvaantages to both.  Choice #1 works
best for folks that only need portions of the data and can be
easier to implement and keep up to date.  Choice #2 works best
if we can find an internal data representation that is flexible
enough to be used by many different types applications.

> ... (more of the message removed to save space)

Either way that we go, I would be happy to write the hooks to make
the parser work with Python.


tom satter - or just plain old tom
(303) 543-7623 (home)

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