Do you use MS Windows, isn't it? 

Look at: 
(for XEmacs) 

(GNU Emacs). 

Also get and read the emacs tutorials. The keystrokes are very different 
from MS-Windows ones. 

Another option for editor is WJed with abc mode. See to get it. 

Or yet GVim. The Windows port is very fine, and a simple abc mode 
accompanies the standard package. 

I use GNU Emacs with abcmode.el (see also the abctabmode.el) and abcm2ps on 
a GNU/Linux OS. Additionally, abcMIDI package and runabc (a graphical 
front-end to abc software) will be useful. 

Hudson Lacerda 

Em 29 Nov 2004, [Don Parrish-Bell] escreveu: 

>Isn't xemacs a unix only kind of thing? Not familiar with it, but I 
>remember the emacs editor from years ago. 
>At 02:51 AM 11/17/2004, you wrote: 
>>xemacs with abc-mode.el and then e.g. abcm2ps to produce printed output 
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