On 7/10/2014 9:22 AM, Mirek M. wrote:

> Could anyone here please clue us in as to what
 role they serve and in which scenarios they are used, preferably in a
 comment in the bug report?

I can't speak specifically to filing bug reports, since I concluded a
very long time ago that doing so serves merely to increase one's
frustration with the product when it does not work as advertised.

The overarching issue that those outside of the A11Y field, and even
some within the a11Y field forget, is that the typical A11Y solution is
geared for, and towards one issue, and one issue only.  Consequently,
those with multiple A11Y issues tend to get relegated to the back of the
bus, because neither tools, nor workarounds, nor trainers are available.

Translating that into UI design, if you want the product to have a hope
of meeting A11Y requirements, then multiple ways of selecting items are

The ideal way to design for A11Y needs, is to construct twenty or so
"test individuals", which individually, and collective cover the ten
basic disabilities, with most having two or more disabilities.Then
compare the proposed UI changes with how each of those "test
individuals" would be able to accomplish the function that has been changed.


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