Hi April

First off, I'm sorry for the late reply. I do know of any guide for using LibreOffice with VoiceOver.

As you noticed there are a few issues with LibreOffice accessibility on Mac. Just a few tips on getting past a few of them. If you are only interested in reading the contents of a document then I suggest you use the Preview In Web Browser functionality. To do that open the document you want to read, then go to the menu File and select Preview In Web Browser. That will convert the document into a temporary web site and open it i Safari. One of the perks with this way of doing it is that you get all the navigation commands that pretty much only work in the browser with VoiceOver for example go to the next heading and the preview is of course read only so you do not have to worry about messing up the document by mistake.

You already noticed that the VoiceOver cursor does not refresh the page when it reaches the end of the screen but starts over from the beginning of the page. One thing you can do once in a while is to press VO + Command + F4 to move the text cursor to the VoiceOver cursor. The text cursor does update the screen position. Some times it is easier to just use the arrow key to read line by line.

I can't help much with rotor since I hardly used it, but maybe it's time for me to start using it.

Sorry for not being of more help at this stage.

Niklas Johansson

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