Here is Listserv's breakdown of ACCMAIL subscribers by country.

But Listserv does not know your actual country of residence. The table
below is really an analyis of the domain registration of your Internet
Service Providers or webmail hosts -- not of where you live.

So all subscribers with .com, .org or .net addresses are included in
the USA count, which is why the USA seems to be the main subscriber
country. My guess is that most of the 'USA' subscribers are actually
in other countries, and the number of countries represented is an

    Country                  Subscribers
    -------                  -----------
    Argentina                         24
    Armenia                            1
    Australia                          9
    Austria                            5
    Belarus                            5
    Belgium                            7
    Brazil                             7
    Bulgaria                           3
    Cambodia                           1
    Canada                             5
    Chile                              2
    China                             25
    Colombia                           1
    Cook Islands                       1
    Croatia/Hrvatska                   1
    Cuba                              97
    Czech Republic                     6
    Denmark                            2
    Ecuador                            1
    France                             9
    Germany                           29
    Great Britain                     10
    Greece                             2
    Hong Kong                          2
    Hungary                            9
    India                             15
    Indonesia                          5
    Iran                               6
    Israel                             2
    Italy                             21
    Japan                              8
    Kazakhstan                         8
    Kuwait                             1
    Latvia                             3
    Macedonia, former Yugoslavia Rep.  1
    Malaysia                          10
    Mexico                             2
    Moldova, Republic of               2
    Namibia                            1
    Netherlands                        6
    Oman                               1
    Pakistan                           3
    Peru                               2
    Philippines                        3
    Poland                             3
    Portugal                           3
    Qatar                              1
    Romania                            8
    Russian Federation               163
    Saudi Arabia                       5
    Singapore                          3
    Slovakia                           2
    South Africa                       7
    Soviet Union                       5
    Spain                             11
    Sri Lanka                          2
    Sweden                             2
    Switzerland                        2
    Taiwan                             2
    Thailand                           1
    Turkey                             1
    USA                              360
    Ukraine                           40
    United Arab Emirates               1
    Uruguay                            6
    Viet Nam                           4
    Yugoslavia                         6
    Zambia                             1
    Zimbabwe                           1

    Total number of users subscribed to the list:   1004
    Total number of countries represented:            69

szs `at` szs `dot` net

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