Accmailers ...

The list has a new 'quiet' owner: Eugeny Sattler, a
veteran list member, contributor and moderator.

Quiet owners do not have admin responsibiity, but they
can make executive decisions in case of an emergency.
There are two other quiet owners: Gerry Boyd and Bob
Rankin. So if I get abducted by aliens, the list will
be in safe, non-alien hands.

szs `at` szs `dot` net

To contribute to the discussion, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe, email to the *admin* address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL as the message body.
To get the latest version of the ACCMAIL FAQ, send a blank email to
accmail.faq.en `AT` (replacing `AT` with @ to form a proper
email address).

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