For a long time, the ACCMAIL FAQ has had a entry for the PBeM Server
(for info, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Subject
help tutorial)

I always thought it was a rather obscure interest until I looked at
the Open Directory category "Games: Online: Play-By-E-Mail" at
There are hundreds of games that can be played! They must be far more
popular than I had ever imagined, and perhaps worth an expanded entry
in the next FAQ.

Her is teh English category description:
"Play-by-mail gaming involves strategic or roleplaying games which are
played via email or postal mail. Typcially each player will send his
or her orders to the moderator, or GM, who will determine what
happened in the game for the particular turn, and send updates to each
player. Computer-moderated PBEM (play-by-email) gaming uses a computer
program as the moderator instead of a human."

There are more in French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian & Swedish.

Most of the games I have never heard of. I don't even know what kind
of games they are (except for Chess and Go). Does anyone know more
about how these games are played? Does anyone actually do it?

szs `at` szs `dot` net

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