On 17.04.2012 10:29, Maurice de la Ferte wrote:
Great thanks for testing this scenario and congratulations to find this update
issue. It would be very nice if you could also file a bug for this.

Thanks for not taking my little rant personally :) Sorry if my mail sounded 
Yes, filing a bug would have been better. I will do that now and next time I will do it before or directly after posting anything to the mailing list.

          We need more people testing the upgrade process and reporting bugs.

I'm not happy about this situation too and this might be just the peak of an 
but this is the why we need people testing different kind of scenarios. I would
really like to see a kind of public test checklist and more people who get 
into testing. Thanks for your feedback!

Agreed. We definitely need to do upgrade tests every time we plan to merge anything into the stable repository. Ideally we would test a scenario of a user who updates regularly (i.e. has the previous updates installed) as well as one of a user who has just downloaded the latest stable image and then upgrades.

And checklists would definitely help. Structured testing will become more and more important as soon as actual paying customers use their PA devices and expect them to "just work". Yes, the first Vivaldi buyers are probably mostly tech-savvy "friendly users", but even they probably have higher quality expectations towards a tablet than towards a desktop.

If I receive advance notice (a few days should suffice) of a planned update of the repository, I'm willing to do an upgrade test from the stable image, if it's possible to do it using a live image instead of installing. I only have one device and I use it for testing the development status as well as for daily tasks, so I can't afford to completely reinstall regularly. But unless a reboot is required, updating on the live image and then just restarting X or plasma-device should work just fine.


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