On 09/04/2013 06:27 PM, Carl Symons wrote:
On Wednesday, September 04, 2013 17:17 Bogdan Cristea wrote:
On Wed 04 Sep 2013 04:43:16 PM CEST, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
On Tuesday, September 03, 2013 18:42:02 Bogdan Cristea wrote:
Thank you for this tip. It seems to me that owncloud is not yet
functional. First, the client icon should be shown on the main task
bar. Searching for an application also has some issues with the on
screen keyboard, but it seems to work.
It's not a traditional application, more like a system service. The
synching is done by a daemon in the background. This daemon can be
controlled by an Active settings module, or a Plasmoid. Use those.

Using the "mirall" owncloud client will cause havoc, so choose either one.

I am able to type my owncloud parameters, but after sign in, there is a
dark frame that hides the graphical elements found on the owncloud GUI,
which makes owncloud client unusable at this current stage. This client
is the one shipped by owncloud ? Are the sources available ?
Could you show a screenshot or a photo?
I have installed all owncloud stuff and the client is available only as
KDE settings module. Should this module be displayed on Apps section ?
It is visible only when searching for it. Here is a screenshot when I
start owncloud module.
Hello Bogdan,

I was having the same result.

the full process for installing and setting up owncloud...
launch Konsole
as root, zypper in owncloud-client

launch Settings from the Application pulldown
there will be a new item
    ownCloud Client
where you can set up ownCloud

However, I entered the remote location and my credentials in the ownCloud
application...before getting to this screen

So not sure how that part of the process goes.


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I was able to run ownclound synchronization interface from Settings applications and use for connecting to my local owncloud server. Folder synchronization works, so overall this module is usable.

I have found the following issues:
- owncloud module is accessible as stand alone application, but it does not work. Not sure how the owncloud module is implemented, but maybe it could be possible to disallow running this module as stand alone application. - when filling the login in form and pressing sign in button nothing happens. After trying to synchronize some folder the login credentials are asked again and finally I am connected and able to select folders from my owncloud server - the folder/file list is not correctly sorted as uppercase names appear first, then lower case names. It is not the way the user expects the folder/file list to appear

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