I'm currently using the DNSresource.vbs to dump zones to a text file,  then I use 
another VBS I wrote to parse the text file, and re-import the Reverse zones.

The syntax I am using is:

DnsResource /LIST PTR %2.%1.10.in-addr.arpa /S <SERVER> /O zone\%2-%1-10.dns

%1 and %2 are the B and C octets since I just run it from a command line batch file.

The output creates an entry for each record like this:

  Record Name :
  Host Name   : gprdapm998624.northamerica.intra.company.com.
  DNS Server  : abtapdcn02.northamerica.intra.company.com
  Zone        : 176.251.10.in-addr.arpa
  Domain      : 176.251.10.in-addr.arpa
  TTL         : 900

If your output comes like this,  I can give you the VBS to reimport them, but I don't 
know if DnsResource.vbs works on unix.

If you can send me the output of a DIG dump I can rewrite the syntax for yout oo.


Original Message:
>From: "Jordan, Jason [EPM/AUS]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [ActiveDir] Sun Formatted Zone Files: Can DNSDump Help?
>Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 11:49:33 -0600

>I have a challenge for the group.  I'm sure that someone else out there has
>seen this same issue.
>We are migrating from an NT 4.0 domain and Sun DNS to Windows Server 2003
>Active Directory and DNS.  The Sun admins gave us a text file of the DNS
>zones, and we were able to successfully import the forward lookup zones to
>Windows 2003.  However, the reverse lookup zone import fails with the error
>0xc011d501.  My research into this error leads me to believe that the
>problem is with the formatting of the text file but I have been unable to
>find an example of what a properly formatted DNS zone text file should look
>So here is my question.  Will the DNSDump utility referenced in this
>http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09084.html
><http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09084.html> ,
>help us to import reverse lookup zones from the Sun formatted text files?
>Is there a specification for what a properly formatted DNS zone text file
>should look like, and if so, where can I find it?
>Please let me know if I left out any pertinent information.  Thanks in
>advance for all of your help.
>jasonjordan MCSE, MCP+I, MCP 
>Sr. SQL DBA/Windows Network Administrator 
>Emerson Process Management, Process Systems Division, Austin Data Center 
>(512) 832-3191 

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