If you didn't clear the lastlogon username security settings - I guess this may 
help to query which machine belongs to which user. 

(Not the other way unfortunately)

reg query "\\server\HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon" 
/v defaultusername
reg query "\\server\HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon" 
/v altdefaultusername

Thank you and have a splendid day!
Kind Regards,
Freddy Hartono
Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
For Agilent Technologies
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tomasz Onyszko
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 7:07 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] User to computer

Kern, Tom wrote:
> Is there anyway via VBscript(or another way) to find out on a large scale 
> which user is logged on to which desktop?

You can try to use psloggedon.exe - 

Another solution is to deploy LimitLogon:

And Yes, You can use VBScript with some calls to scan machines but ... 
the logon script which will report a username to the database (approach 
similar to this used in LimitLogin) will give You good results.

> The company I'm working at right now put all their computer objects in the 
> computer folder and I want to move some user's(about 40) pc's to an ou so I 
> can push out an msi via computer GPO.
> However I know which users should get the msi but not which pc they use.
> I don't want the msi to follow them around if they move pc', so I'd rather 
> this be a computer based install.

> P.S- on a side note, does anyone know how the Symantec Console gets to info 
> in Symantec Corporate AV?

There is a client deployed on the machines and the client can report it 
back to the server.

Tomasz Onyszko
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