---- Original Message ----
From: Figueroa, Johnny
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 3:24 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Urgh... troubleshooting....

> Found this, under Troubleshooting Active Directory :
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/library/Operations/d87e1c8f-2e6b-4ce3-b72b-7108acc6aecb.mspx
> More to the point there are some special security checks in DCDIAG
> for 2003 SP1 that may be able to help. From the link above: 

Ah, those symptoms look very similar to what I described as well as what I saw 
when I ran DCDIAG. I'll try running it again on Monday with the switches 
outlined in the article to see if that'll help.
I *did* find some other stuff broken in the AD that I wasn't aware of, but it 
wasn't anything breaking replication to a single server, more of just "screwing 
things up" on my part. Fixing those issues will probably ease server load a bit 
with less overhead "busywork" going on.
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