I work an IT department of an autonomous goverment ministry. I
actually have no wish to move DNS to Linux as it works perfectly ok as
it is. At the moment it is integrated.

The reason I am asking this question is that now it is the policy to
move to Open Source wherever possible. Thus HP-UX will move to Linux,
MS office will move to Open Office etc.

I don't know the reasons why. They want to cut costs but have not done
a cost analysis of the change. Curiously no Open Source alternatives
are being considered to replace Oracle.

Another problem is that the Windows Network service function really
well, give very few problems and so have become invisible.

There is no particular advantage to moving DNS to Linux. It will not
save licenses in itself. It is simply that I have to analyse service
by service the implications and possibilities of moving to Open

I am not as extremely specialised. With one coworker I manage about 20
windows servers plus administration policy on 1500 workstation
distributed in about 80 buildings. Along with AD we have to manage a
mixture of Oracle, SQL Server, Exchange, Cluster Services, SANs,
Backups, Documentation, AV etc... along with a fair bit of scripting
due to lack of management tools. I have no idea how typical this is as
I am fairly isolated here. This list is a lifeline to someone in my

I am only just beginning to think about all this as I was informed of
this today. I thought the DNS move might be fairly simple but was
concerned about the security implications of non secure updates and
was wondering if there are ways to avoid  an internal hacker screwing
up the database. I also wondered what versions of Linux people were
using to get DNS services and any experience or advice they could give
me on such a move.
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