The userAccountControl is not used for indicating a locked status when using
LDAP, this applies both to LDAP and the LDAP ADSI interface. If you want the
status of an account using that mechanism, with K3 you can use
msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed however note the constructed... You
cannot query that attribute, only retrieve it as an attribute in another
query. The only way to query, and how unlock does it, is via the lockoutTime
attribute. As the others mentioned, you can do lockoutTime that has a value
greater than 0, however it needs to be in the filter as lockoutTime>=1 since
lockoutTime>0 is an invalid filter. Note that that will return both accounts
that are locked as well as accounts that are already unlocked due to the
lockout period expiring but no one has logged into them yet. I.E. If you are
looking for accounts locked out right this second, you will get false
The proper way to get currently locked out accounts, the method used by
unlock, is to get the domain policy for lockout duration and calculate the
proper value for lockoutTime which will be the current time minus lockout
duration, anything locked after that time stamp is currently locked. That is
the value you use to query AD for.
If I absolutely had to do it with adfind with a single command line I would
use CSV mode with grep or findstr like so
adfind -default -f "&(samaccounttype=805306368)(lockouttime>=1)"
msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed -samdc -csv |grep "LOCKED"
That would be a list of currently locked accounts. It would be relatively
efficient unless you have a lot of accounts that have passed the lockout
duration but no one ever logged into them afterward.
O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition - 


Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:06 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] ADfind to find locked accounts

I'm using a bitwise filter to search for locked accounts using ADFind.


I have one particular account, a service account, that is locked out and
also has Password No Expire set.


In ADFind it comes up as such.


C:\tools>adfind -default -bit -f samaccountname=servaccount -alldc


AdFind V01.33.00cpp Joe Richards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) October 2006


Transformed Filter: samaccountname=servaccount

Using server:

Directory: Windows 2000

Base DN: DC=appsig,DC=com


dn:CN=servaccount,OU=APSG SvcAccounts,DC=appsig,DC=com

>userAccountControl: 66048 [NORMAL_USER(512);NO_EXPIRE(65536)]


Why does the userAccountControl read as 512+65536 only?  Shouldn't it be 512
(Normal User) + 16 (Locked Out) + 65536 (No Expire) = 66064?


In fact, I cannot even find this account when searching for locked accounts
via ADFind.  The only reason I realized it was locked out was because I also
used Joe's Unlock utility to search for all locked accounts and it returned
this account as part of the search.  


C:\tools>unlock . * -view


Unlock V02.01.00cpp Joe Richards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) August 2004


Processed at

Default Naming Context: DC=appsig,DC=com


1: servaccount                12/15/2006-10:52:45 LOCKED   VIEW_ONLY



I'm probably just missing something here, but was hoping for some




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