> Jenda,
> WOW.. ask and you shall receive. Thanks!
> Nice work. It is almost as if you just created that as if I wrote that
> email?

No. I only dug it up in my old files.

> I was looking at the module and I was wondering ... in the following
> routine ->
>   if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i) {
>    foreach $extn (@extn) {
>     -e $dir.'/'.$file.$extn and return $dir.'/'.$file.$extn;
>    }
>   } else {
>    -x $dir.'/'.$file and return $dir.'/'.$file;
>   }
>  }
> ... you are checking the dir and file path using '/' for Windows...
> why? If Windows uses \ and not / then don't you want to display it
> back as the native format?

You are right.

> chop $dir if $dir =~ /\\$|\/$/;  
> # Change 1 -> strip off ending slash if it exists

Done ... though a little diferently.

0.3 was uploaded on my site.


== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz ==
: What do people think?
What, do people think?  :-)
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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