From:                   "B@ge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     I am writing a Perl program on Win32 that fork some processes
>     according to database data.
> I used DBI and DBD::ODBC module to connect the database. All my code
> is OK but it has application error (like 'this memory address could
> not be read') happened. If I delete the database connection code, my
> program is normally terminated.
>     I had seen the ActivePerl mailing list and found someone also had
>     the same problem, but I confused 
> what is the solution of this situation?
>     My Perl version is 5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
>     (binary build 629). Below is my code 
> about database connection and fork.
>     $dsn = "driver={SQL
>     Server};Server=$HOST;database=$DB;uid=$USER;pwd=$PASSWD"; $dbh =
>     DBI -> connect("dbi:ODBC:$dsn") || die $DBI::errstr;
>     if ($child = fork()) {
>       print "Forked one child(" . abs($child) . ")...\n"
>     }
>     elsif (defined $child) { # child
>       exec "";
>     }

The only solution until someone updates DBD::ODBC is to call the 
"DBI->Connect(...);" AFTER the fork(). And prerefably to use DBI 
only in one thread.


=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
                                        --- me
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