From:                   David Mintz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Suppose you want Perl to merge an MSWord template file with data from
> a MySQL database. That ought not to be too hard, right? Basically, I'm
> trying to a help a small non-profit organization generate invoices for
> their annual membership dues billing. I've set up a MySQL database for
> them and written a web based front end in PHP for common tasks like
> browsing, inserting, updating, deleting member records.  Now they'd
> like this volunteer to make pretty invoices, and I thought this might
> be a reasonable strategy but I'm, uh, clueless. I've poked around a
> bit looking for helpful modules but I could use a shove in the right
> direction.

1) you could try to do it from Word itelf using it's "mailmerge" 
functionality. I believe this is doable (if you have an ODBC driver for 
MySQL. I have no idea if one exists having never tried MySQL.)

2) You could use Win32::OLE to control MSWord.

3) If you don't mind it'll be RTF and not the binary garbage .doc you 
might try either my Template::RTF 
( or some other RTF 
related module on CPAN (I know for sure there are some, don't 
remember names though.)


=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
                                        --- me
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