> Happy new year to everybody,

Happy new year to you :-)

> Perl completely new for me. I installed the developper kit on my machine to
> develop a little programme which is ok. 
> Now I have to put this programme in a production server (Win NT4) so I have
> to install the stable version and ...
> ... I tried to install Perl running the nmake function. I obtained the
> following message specifying a fatal error with apparently the cmd.exe
> programme.

You are trying to compile Perl yourself? Why?
The precompiled version from ActiveState is supposed to be stable.

Anyway if you'll really want to compile perl yourself you need a 
compiler on the computer where you do so.
Which doesn't have to be the same computer where youare going 
to use it though.


=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
                                        --- me
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