From: "Ronan Oger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You wrote:
> >1. Please do not top-post.
> >
> >2. Please read the message you reply to! I did not ask, I was
> >replying to M.Hall. HE was having problems. And he tried Net::SMTP
> >and Mail::Sender modules that are NOT dependent on sendmail
> >executable being available. You are right though that he needs an
> >SMTP server. But it doesn't have to be on the same computer as the
> >script.
> >
> >3. Krynicky is my last name. I don't know if it's the same in
> >English, but in Czech using the last name only without anything else
> >sounds a bit rude. Call me Jenda, please.
> >
> >Jenda
> >
> Oops. I apologize for offending you, Jenda.

No problem :-)

> Oddly enough, in Switzerland where I live, calling someone by their
> first name is offensive. Ahh, cultural misunderstandings... And in
> Canada where I come from, it is more like the Czech standard.
> I answered this post from a web browser and the formatting made it
> look like it was your first name (I had assumed it was your handle).

I see.

> Thanks for the clarification for NET::SMTP. This makes sense to me. I
> wonder if he is using the default settings and not specifically
> calling out to an externam SMTP server?

Maybe. The strange thing is that Mail::Sender reports -1 which means 
"server not found". This would mean that he did specify some server 
there. If he used "localhost" (or did not specify anything) and there 
would be no SMTP server on the computer he would get -3 "connect() 

> What do you mean by top posting? I take it you mean posting on top of
> the original question?


> Once again, sorry about the confusion and the odd answer from my part.
> Ronan

Cheers, Jenda
===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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