From:                   Matthew Keene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There seem to be quite a lot of modules missing from the PPMPackage
> list for the 8xx builds (from
>  I'm specifically looking for DBD::Oracle(8), but there are 3448
> packages available for 6xx but only 2514 available for 8xx.  Can
> somebody explain what the difficulty is in making these packages
> available for Perl 5.8 ?  Are the 8xx packages limited to those known
> to be thread-safe, and does this explain all the differences ?  (I'm
> hap py to be patient for them to become available, I'm just curious as
> to what the problems are.)

There had been a discussion about this in this mailing list recently 
(or maybe it was in Perl-win32-Users or someplace like that, but I 
believe it was here) which may be found in the archives at and there is now a new 
mailinglist specifically for PPM related issues at

As Jan Dubois said the automated build process needs some work. But 
he's working on that and it should soon get much better :-)

P.S.: You may want to add a few more repositories:
===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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