On 28/02/2012 10:29 AM, Barry Brevik wrote:
> I didn't know that was there! Is there a mailing list version of that forum?

There is no mailing list for the forums, but there are RSS feeds.  It is 
meant to cater to people with different info consumption habits.


>>> I'm wondering whether it's more effective to post here than at the
>>> ActiveState Forum or vice versa? I assume it's considered bad form to
>>> post the same question in both places?
>> I may be missing something, but it's not clear what you mean. I would 
>> describe this mailing list as an activestate forum. To what other forum are 
>> you referring?
> I'm referring to
> http://community.activestate.com/forums/activeperl-support. I was looking for 
> help on packaging a perl program. I think I ended up there as the result of a 
> google search. Browsing through some of the postings, I realized that it was 
> probably not listserv.activestate.com or a mirror thereof. Since I was 
> already there, I went ahead and posted my question(s) there.
> http://community.activestate.com/node/7972
> http://community.activestate.com/node/7924
>> As long as your question was on topic for both fora, and one was not a 
>> mirror of the other, I wouldn't expect that posting to both would be a 
>> problem.
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