On Thu, 16 Aug 2012, Peng Yu wrote:
> http://search.cpan.org/~dconway/Regexp-Grammars-1.020/lib/Regexp/Grammars.pm
> Regexp-Grammars has been upgraded to version 1.020 on CRAN. However,
> after running `ppm upgrade --install`, I still have an older version.
> Is there a repository that is in sync with CRAN so that I can get ppm
> upgrade to the latest version? Thanks!

You need to have a little patience; the module was just updated yesterday.
Normally it takes less than 24 hours for new builds to appear on PPM,
but right now we are telling the build machines to re-attempt old failed
builds, just in case some of the updated new modules are unblocking some
failed older ones.  This is interleaved with runs for new CPAN updates,
but right now the regular updates may only be happening twice a week.


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