On: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 At: 6:04 PM, zilore mumba Wrote:

>> $db ="IP address"; # should the IP address be here or I just
>> put MySQL? ########################

This should be the actual name of the database. Naturally I don't know what 
your database is named, so I cannot tell you what it should be. But it's 
unlikely that your database is named to look like an IP address.

>> ## user hostname : This should be "localhost" but it can be diffrent too
>> $host="localhost";  # is this ok or should I put the IP address
>> here? ######################## 

If mysql is running on the same machine as your perl script, then this may be 
left as localhost. If, however, it is running somewhere else, then a machine 
name or IP address will need to be supplied. Perl needs to know where to send 
the request. If it isn't on the local machine (localhost) then it will need to 
send the request to another machine, so you'll telling it where.


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