
I have two compound components, A and B, which need to be validated separately.
 So, I've placed each in its own subform.  Outside of these components, I have
a 'submit' button, like this:
  <!-- Component A -->
     <tr:inputText value="#{backBean.itemName} required="true" />
  <!-- Component B -->
  <tr:subform default="true">
     <tr:inputText value="#{backBean.entry} autoSubmit="true" 
          validator="#{backBean.entryValidator}" />
  <!-- Submit Button -->
  <tr:commandButton text="Submit" action="#{backBean.submit}" />

Component B uses PPR and does its own validation correctly, but component A
does not and should be validated when the submit button is pressed.  However,
since the submit button does not reside inside of component A's subform, A is
not validated and invalid data may be sent when the submit button is pressed.

If I move A outside of its subform (so it's at the form level), then changing
values in B results in the premature validation of A, which I don't want.

How can I get A's validation to fire when the submit button is pressed?



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